Kamis, 01 Januari 2009

Easily Hypnotize Anyone

This ebook is for you, if:
�� You’re intelligent, and curious about hypnosis, or
�� You just want to understand more about hypnosis, or
�� You want to use hypnosis to help yourself and others, or
�� You might add hypnosis to your professional toolkit, or
�� You’re considering studying hypnotherapy as a career.
You are about to discover how easy it is to hypnotize other
people and what safeguards and responsibilities that entails.
One such responsibility is to understand that just reading this
ebook will not qualify you to do therapy.
However, by the time you’ve finished reading you will have
a greater understanding of:
�� What hypnosis is
�� What it can be used for
�� What you can accomplish with it.
Who can you safely hypnotize? People who could benefit
from positive suggestions. And who have no underlying
pathology. Likely candidates are people who want to:
�� Overcome exam anxiety
�� Enhance sports performance
�� Stop smoking
�� Achieve specific goals.
�� Amplify their creativity
You can induce hypnosis, give such people the positive
suggestions they’ve requested and feel great about helping
Hypnosis is currently riding a wave of popularity among the

There are no side effects with hypnosis; it can relieve or
banish so many psychological and physical ills -- and it’s easy
to learn.
It’s not so easy to know what to do after you have someone
in hypnosis so you are well advised to experience self-hypnosis
before embarking on hypnotizing others.
Not only will you gain first-hand knowledge from the inside,
so to speak, but you’ll also enjoy the process, and obtain relief
from your own problems.
The rewards are immense. Like millions of people, I used
to be fearful of public speaking. But since I began to use
hypnosis on myself I thoroughly enjoy giving a public talk.
It's so fantastic to stand in front of a crowd, impart useful
information, have a few laughs, and learn from the questions
and comments of the audience.
I vividly remember the first time hypnosis helped me be
relaxed in public. I was scheduled to give a speech at a large
convention of hypnotists in the U.S. There were a dozen or so
competing seminars offered at the same time so I thought
probably 6 or so hypnotists would choose my session.
When I located the room in which I was to speak I had to
fight my way in, there were so many people trying to enter. To
my amazement, not only was the room packed with hypnotists,
(I stopped counting at 103) but video cameras had been
Well, I followed the advice on the "Self-Confidence"
hypnotic video, took a slow deep breath, and, on breathing out,
said "This is easy." And it was!
You’ve already been hypnotized
The usual example given to support the idea that you’ve
frequently been in hypnosis is that of driving from point A to

point B with no conscious awareness of having driven the
Or did you ever finish a pile of ironing, with your mind

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